I-IV Hazard Class Waste Disposal
Our team of specialists offers performance of complex services on hazard industrial and domestic waste management, including processing and reception on disposal of debris and contaminated soil, as well as recycling of petrol-containing waste (oil sludge) and cleaning of sludge collectors.
Our experts developed and certificated technology on processing contaminated soil into a product which can be again used at civil work, recultivation, etc.
Our specialists have created the bioelectrical technology of soil treatment from heavy metal pollution including mercury that makes it possible to make the concentration of the ecologically dangerous substances in the soil lower, according to the safety norms.
We also possess our own stationary recultivation site, allowing us to dispose more than 1000 tons of industrial wastes annually, installations on recycling various kinds of oil sludge, the wooden crossties treated by antiseptics (creosote, coal or slate oil, bitumen pastes). We also have the experimental installation for bio-waste (food, chicken manure, dung etc) processing with the receiving of heat and fertilizers.
Construction waste (broken bricks, concrete, etc.) can be accepted for recycling for further use (land filling of roads, reclamation of landfills).