Remediation of Soil and Sludge Pits​

For recultivation and bioremediation of the oil polluted soil our team of specialists has developed and patented the complex biotechnology Soilex®.

The technology includes the original method of environmental cleaning. During the recultivation process besides of special technological methods own biopreparations Soilex® are applied as well. They are manufactured according the special technique at the companies own production line

The technical solutions which are an essence of technology (mode of biological products production, the way of their reception) are protected by 15 patents. Applying of Soilex® technology allows treatment of oil contamination and oil sludge neutralization both in-situ and ex-situ if necessary, at special sites.

Advantages of the technology:

  • Short time necessary for decontamination (3-8 months);
  • Effectiveness for a broad range of pollutants;
  • Possibility of doing away with heavy metals, including mercury as well as nitrates;
  • Possibility of decontamination of saline soils and sea water;
  • High destructive activity in the wide pH (4,5-8,5) and temperature range (3–40 С);
  • Highly viability effective oil oxidizing activity during the long time (not less than 1,5 year);
  • Adapting to necessary aims;
  • Full rehabilitation of agrobiocenosis on polluted areas;
  • Absolutely environmental friendly;

Company implements the full range of environmental protection actions, including:

I. Detailed engineering investigation (engineering and land inspection, geological engineering inspection, engineering and environmental inspection and experimental filtration works).

II. Design work (drawing 3D map of the contamination, selection of the optimal treatment scheme, breeding and selection of useful microorganisms strains-destructors, effective for this type of pollution, choosing remediation strategy, development and coordination of the decontamination project).

III. Direct remediation of the area (using mechanical, agrochemical, sorption and biological methods).

Since the activity we executed remediation of more than 250 hectares of oil contaminated areas, utilized more than 180000 m3 of oil sludge and oil polluted soil, treated over 85000 m2 of water surface, eliminated consequences of accidental oil spills of over 120000 tones of oil products.
